Page name: Heavens Hell [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-03 21:04:46
Last author: Earoluim
Owner: Earoluim
# of watchers: 17
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Heavens Hell

Welcome to the war of the ages.Where there is no longer a neutral and the forces of good and evil have teamed together to stop the greatest plauge of the centuries.

The Powers of 3

In the day in age of the Modern world , ages of old and new collide.The forces that hold the earth in place are in ruin.Neutral, once the gaurdian of the powers now lays in infection.The purest of evils is the cause and effect. The powers of Good And Evil are intertwined to each other . Without one the other can not exist . They have joined forces to correct the impurity of the red.Here are the accounts of the greatest Battle of the Ages.

Now it Is time for you to decide the force you will choose to fight for.


The Power of 1
White Alliance

The Power of 2
Black Alliance

The Power of 3
Red Alliance

Ancient Power


Rouge Ships

Chapter 1

The Age

Chapter 2

Scorging of souls

Chapter 3 Begins

Capter 3: Soulforges

Battle grounds of Kar estan

Maps of Gracen

Other worlds of reach

Heavens Hell chat This is the chat page, please bring all nonsensical conversation here. Thanks.

Character Scorging:This is your character's entrance into the world.

Charcter Races:What you can and can't be.

Armory and Inventory: What you character can start with.

pre-made characters

Visit this site please.Azlyn's Fans
this sight needs visiting please .Black Is As Innocent As white

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2004-08-14 [Araglas]: ok???? why does this not make since to me?

2004-08-15 [Earoluim]: this is something you dont know about so dont fret over it i did not get you involved in it for a reason and i would like to keep it that way.

2004-08-15 [Predenica]: Indeed.

2004-08-15 [_Dark_Fairy_]: hm... gotta think very hard.. =D

2004-08-15 [Earoluim]: lol yep yep yep

2004-08-15 [_Dark_Fairy_]: i think that's cool.. and.. i'm drawning already =D

2004-08-15 [Earoluim]: ccccoooooooooolllllllllll  beans

2004-08-15 [_Dark_Fairy_]: haha... beans... =| were??

2004-08-15 [Earoluim]: on your head * pours out a can*

2004-08-15 [_Dark_Fairy_]: whiej.. beans..... =) íts raining beans!! =D

2004-08-15 [Earoluim]: k the first chapter is open join the story everyone

2004-08-15 [Earoluim]: im back every one .........nevermind noones here.

2004-08-15 [eyes of frost]: i am too here...just wandering

2004-08-15 [Earoluim]: i know your here but noone else is

2004-08-16 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ok... so... somebody here?

2004-08-16 [Earoluim]: me and pred i think thats it.

2004-08-16 [_Dark_Fairy_]: damn...

2004-08-16 [Araglas]: HELLO!?!?

2004-08-17 [Earoluim]: quit screaming you white idiot.

2004-08-20 [Azlyn]: WEEEE!... i mean ... *shuts up*

2004-08-22 [nights_mistress]: hello! i am back!!!!!

2004-08-22 [Earoluim]: HHEEEELLLLLOOOOOOOO!

2004-08-22 [nights_mistress]: i told u i had way too much fun!

2004-08-22 [Earoluim]: lol yes you did

2004-08-22 [nights_mistress]: wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

2004-08-22 [Earoluim]: lol

2004-08-22 [nights_mistress]: i didn't do it!!!!

2004-08-22 [Araglas]: -walks in- hello

2004-08-23 [Earoluim]: hits araglas in the forehead with his tail.

2004-08-23 [nights_mistress]: *watches with intrerest*

2004-08-23 [Araglas]: -sits there cussing under his breath-

2004-08-23 [Earoluim]: does the same again."No faul language under the table if you got a problem then use your mouth were we can all here you."

2004-08-24 [Araglas]: "fine why don't you leave me alone you big asshole i don't care about you......thats it im quittng this wiki!"

2004-08-24 [nights_mistress]: calm down araglas. please don't leave i like having u as part of my crew.

2004-08-24 [Araglas]: -calms down- ok ok i won't leave

2004-08-25 [Azlyn]: Im back...from vancover!

2004-08-25 [Earoluim]: Wooo!

2004-08-25 [Azlyn]: lol :P

2004-08-25 [Earoluim]: lol<(^_^)>

2004-08-27 [nights_mistress]: good ^^

2004-08-29 [Morganath]: Burn burn BURN<i>  sorry bout that :)Missing: </i>

2004-08-30 [nights_mistress]: burn what?*shifty eyes*

2004-09-06 [Azlyn]: I like burning things ^^

2004-09-06 [Earoluim]: just dont burn my wiki down

2004-09-06 [Azlyn]: Awww... dang it !

2004-09-06 [Azlyn]: Naw, i like burning my socks, thats always fun ^_^

2004-09-07 [Earoluim]: lol smelly fire

2004-09-07 [eyes of frost]: ......

2004-09-07 [Canadian_Chick01]: IM [Azlyn] 's SISTER!! (IM A DORK!!) AHAHAHAHA ISNT THAT FUNNY!

2004-09-07 [Earoluim]: either join or leave the wiki

2004-09-07 [eyes of frost]: -smiles to self-

2004-09-07 [Earoluim]: im glad somone thinks so but not me

2004-09-07 [eyes of frost]: sorry. -still smiling wanders off- have fun going for a swim...

2004-09-07 [Azlyn]: Fuck! i hate it when she does that. Im sorry Gunlouc. she does that to all wikis

2004-09-07 [Azlyn]: Sorry for swearing, it slips out sometimes.

2004-09-07 [Earoluim]: its ok

2004-09-07 [Morganath]: well the devils nipping at your heels and this time its for real.......hey what the hell is that girl calling herself a dork for? very strange.

2004-09-07 [nights_mistress]: weird ppl. here.

2004-09-07 [Azlyn]: Lol, she is a dork, try living with her, ag!. O well .. u learn to put up with it-Hey! im weird. I like weird ppl.

2004-09-07 [nights_mistress]: who wants to be normal?

2004-09-07 [Evil Faerie Feline]: what is normal?

2004-09-07 [Azlyn]: That is a veary good question, i dont think many ppl can describe normal.

2004-09-07 [Araglas]: ...............................................................

2004-09-08 [Earoluim]: bnoo

2004-09-08 [nights_mistress]: true enough

2004-09-08 [Morganath]: uuhhhh no normal anywhere normal to boring.

2004-09-08 [_Dark_Fairy_]: boring.. why?

2004-09-09 [eyes of frost]: hey gunlouc, now thats school is up I can only be on and hour at night sorry! between 7 & 8 pm. thats all I have!

2004-09-09 [nights_mistress]: that's no fun.

2004-09-10 [Araglas]: haha??

2004-09-10 [Earoluim]: k then

2004-09-10 [_Dark_Fairy_]: weeh.... i wanna have a conversation!

2004-09-10 [nights_mistress]: lol

2004-09-10 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =p

2004-09-10 [nights_mistress]: how's it going?

2004-09-10 [_Dark_Fairy_]: great... =D you?

2004-09-10 [nights_mistress]: meh i'm at school.

2004-09-10 [_Dark_Fairy_]: blegh..... that's bad

2004-09-10 [Araglas]: hi?

2004-09-10 [nights_mistress]: hi

2004-09-11 [Earoluim]: hello

2004-09-11 [alu]: this is a cool Wiki

2004-09-11 [Earoluim]: wanna join

2004-09-11 [_Dark_Fairy_]: weeeh... i wanna go back in the story.. *snif*

2004-09-11 [Earoluim]: then go back in

2004-09-11 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =)

2004-09-11 [_Dark_Fairy_]: how?

2004-09-11 [Earoluim]: the age 4 link just put soemthing in

2004-09-11 [Araglas]: lol

2004-09-11 [_Dark_Fairy_]: idd... lol

2004-09-11 [Araglas]: yea hi ur new arnt u?

2004-09-11 [_Dark_Fairy_]: no... i already was in the first age

2004-09-11 [Araglas]: ok well wanna rgp on the fourth age?

2004-09-11 [_Dark_Fairy_]: srry but i just have to go.. i'm srry.. i'll be here tomorrow.. bye.. ;)

2004-09-11 [Araglas]: bye

2004-09-12 [Morganath]: NURPLE


2004-09-13 [_Dark_Fairy_]: nurple? what the fuck is that? =P

2004-09-13 [Morganath]: Rob Zombie rulz!!

2004-09-13 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ^^ i'm going to watch.. should we start with the next age? (5)

2004-09-13 [nights_mistress]: mwahahahahaha

2004-09-13 [_Dark_Fairy_]: rrright.. what's wrong?

2004-09-13 [nights_mistress]: i'm sick, bored, and bitchy. altogether i'm having an awesome time.

2004-09-14 [Earoluim]: really

2004-09-14 [_Dark_Fairy_]: that's sucks

2004-09-14 [Araglas]: ........yea

2004-09-15 [Earoluim]: lol yea

2004-09-15 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =P i know

2004-09-15 [Araglas]: ............

2004-09-16 [Earoluim]: lol

2004-09-16 [_Dark_Fairy_]: really.. do you think it's lol?? =P it isn't

2004-09-16 [_Dark_Fairy_]: really.. do you think it's lol?? =P it isn't1

2004-09-16 [Araglas]: ???

2004-09-16 [nights_mistress]: i can't quit shking and i'm having trouble breathing

2004-09-17 [Earoluim]: whats wrong

2004-09-17 [_Dark_Fairy_]: not much ;)

2004-09-17 [Araglas]: .....

2004-09-17 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ?

2004-09-17 [Araglas]: yay some one is on!!!!!!!!

2004-09-17 [_Dark_Fairy_]: yay.. where's everybody?

2004-09-17 [Araglas]: me no know

2004-09-17 [_Dark_Fairy_]: damn

2004-09-17 [Araglas]: ok well i might have to get off in a minute

2004-09-17 [_Dark_Fairy_]: sucks

2004-09-17 [Earoluim]: hello

2004-09-17 [_Dark_Fairy_]: hi

2004-09-17 [Earoluim]: Hey Tari

2004-09-17 [Araglas]: hi

2004-09-18 [nights_mistress]: i am, back.

2004-09-18 [Araglas]: me to

2004-09-18 [nights_mistress]: lol i know.

2004-09-18 [Araglas]: yea lol

2004-09-18 [nights_mistress]: *yawns*

2004-09-18 [Araglas]: good night

2004-09-18 [_Dark_Fairy_]: me neither.. =(

2004-09-18 [Araglas]: hey how are you?

2004-09-18 [nights_mistress]: *yawns and feeds baby*

2004-09-18 [Araglas]: -smiles-

2004-09-18 [nights_mistress]: easy for you to do.

2004-09-18 [Araglas]: -stops smiling-sorry

2004-09-18 [nights_mistress]: nvm. he's quiet i'm good

2004-09-18 [Araglas]: ok

2004-09-18 [nights_mistress]: i'm going back to sleep.

2004-09-18 [Araglas]: ok night

2004-09-19 [eyes of frost]:

[NohRabbit] is drunk crying and missing. he has no phone and is lost in the desert. if you heaar from him his gf or his sister please contact me or [Queen of Stars] thank you

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: wtf?

2004-09-19 [eyes of frost]: my brother wnt missing last night.

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: oh....

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: did you find him?? =|

2004-09-19 [Araglas]: ...........

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: ....

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: .....

2004-09-19 [Morganath]: .......................................................................................

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: that's more than me... momen

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ......................................................................................................................................................

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: mwahahaha

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =| that's not fair!!! =| T_T

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =| can't more? =|

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: it is too fair

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =P damn..

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: lol

2004-09-19 [Morganath]: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: nice try.

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: gna gna...

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: ?

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =P

2004-09-19 [Morganath]: burple nurple scurple purple furple hurple kurple murple durple wurple surple qurple

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =| i can rhym to.. but in dutch

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: it's all go go for it.

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =P in dutch? =|

2004-09-19 [nights_mistress]: yes.

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ow help.. have to?

2004-09-19 [Morganath]: hhhaahhahaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaa ye can do it!

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: lol hey ya

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: lol hey yall

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: damn... no...

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: Ok then I'll leave

2004-09-19 [Morganath]: so may this round be on the corpse of a dead man with tells of a love that you never shared so as we dannce on the grave of misbehave raise your glasses and sing the praise of a fallen soul...

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: and make me that fallen soul of long past ages and ages yet to come.

2004-09-19 [Morganath]: it a song

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: I got that , just putting words in there

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: cool.. can i sing too? ^^

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: Sure why not

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: *pulls out an electric guitar* Anybody else want to join?

2004-09-19 [_Dark_Fairy_]: yeeeah!! ^^

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: Whos got the drums , and how bout some acuistics?

2004-09-19 [Morganath]: lets start *pulls out bagpipes and panpipes*

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: THIER WE GO NOW!!!!! * Starts some low strings.

2004-09-19 [Morganath]: starts the beat to the spicy mchaggis jig.

2004-09-19 [Earoluim]: Sets the guitar down and enchants thew strings* I ve got to go but Ill be back

2004-09-20 [nights_mistress]: i've got flute lol..... nvm.......

2004-09-20 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =P

2004-09-20 [nights_mistress]: ;)

2004-09-20 [Earoluim]: Let her rip then flute , bags and a strings

2004-09-20 [nights_mistress]: sure why not?

2004-09-21 [sarah l b]: hello howz all?

2004-09-21 [_Dark_Fairy_]: hi!!

2004-09-21 [_Dark_Fairy_]: why don't i have a wiki =P damn

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